Finding filePro resources on the Web is no easy task. While search engines aid in finding information, they are less than complete. Also, being page-oriented, they may find dozens of pages from one site, while missing another site entirely. (Not to mention the sites that may be found that are not related to the filePro DBMS from fP Technologies.)

While fP Technologies maintains a list of links, WebRings have the advantage of being searchable by keywords, as well as being more visible. For example, anyone going to the WebRing home page and looking for "database" or "DBMS" will be shown the existence of this ring. (Even if they've never heard of filePro.) Also, one must know about the existence of the fP Technologies list in order to use it, whereas anyone visiting any site on the ring will see a small note about the filePro ring (see the bottom of this page), and can visit any other site on the ring.

This ring is not meant to replace the fP Technologies list, but is meant as another resource available to the filePro community. We suggest that, if appropriate, you should list your web site in both places.

This filePro WebRing site owned by Laura Brody.
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